Local Assistance Resources: Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Page Updated June 2021


Lasagna Love is here to help families who are struggling to make ends meet after having lost income or childcare due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


  • Home delivered meals

Visit our website to fill out a request form. A Lasagna Mama (or Papa) who lives closest to you will text you within a week or two to coordinate delivery. Please note that our Lasagna Mama's are volunteer-based and may not be available in all cities. Please call to confirm if we have a Lasagna Mama in your area.

Home Repairs

Includes financial assistance for home repairs 

Rebuilding Together by Rebuilding Together          

118 North Peters Road, Knoxville, TN 37923

Website: www.rebuildingtogether.org
Phone: 865.694.9323

The Rebuilding Together program transforms the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing their communities.


  • Home repairs


The mission of About Domestic Violence Program & Sexual Assault Services is to protect victims, prevent violence and empower survivors. We accomplish this by providing citizens of Rutherford County with the free resources and assistance necessary to effectively deal with the personal, social, and legal implications of victimization by domestic violence and sexual assault.

The Emergency Shelter program provides temporary emergency shelter, at no cost, to women, children, and men who have been victimized by domestic violence and sexual assault and are no longer safe in their own homes. During a stay, we provide residents with bedding, basic toiletries and serve a family dinner throughout the week.

Contact information

615.896.7377 (Office)

615.896.2012 (Domestic violence)

615.494.9262 (Sexual assault)