Local Assistance Resources: Worcester, Massachusetts

Page Updated June 2021


Neighbor Helping Neighbor Outreach by Holy Family Parish         

41 Hamilton Street, Worcester, MA 01609

Website: www.holyfamilyparishworcester.org
Phone: 508.754.6722

The Neighbor Helping Neighbor outreach is made up of men and women of Holy Family Parish who wish to respond to people in our community who are in need. Neighbor helping Neighbor offers assistance to individuals and families on a person-to-person basis and carries out its ministry by providing as much direct emergency assistance to those referred as resources allow. This takes the form of food, clothing, and household items.

When longer-term assistance is necessary, referrals are made to appropriate public or private agencies. Neighbor Helping Neighbor Outreach has only one eligibility requirement - that the people seeking assistance are in need of such help. People’s needs are met regardless of age, sex, race, creed, or ethnic background. All referrals made to Neighbor Helping Neighbor should be made through the Holy Family Rectory. Request can also be made by placing a written request in a Neighbor helping Neighbor boxes at the entrances of the church.


Food Pantry by Quinsigamond Village Community Center

16 Greenwood Street, Worcester, MA 01607

Website: www.quinsigamondvillage.com
Phone: 508.755.7481

Quinsigamond Village Community Center provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it.

We offer

  • Food to meet basic nutritional needs
  • A wide variety of health foods, beans, meats, grains, sweets, and fresh vegetables in season and more

Home Repairs

Includes financial assistance for home repairs

Rebuilding Together Worcester brings volunteers together for one weekend in Spring (usually in April) to rehabilitate the homes of needy homeowners. By combining our talents and resources we are truly Rebuilding Together to make a lasting impact in our community and neighbors in need.


  • Exterior siding
  • Safety and accessibility modifications: ramps, grab bars, handrails
  • Windows and doors
  • Flooring
  • Electrical
  • Pluming
  • Painting (interior and exterior)


  • Must meet income criteria

Documents Required

  • Proof of income for all household residents
  • Self-Declaration of Income Report (available on our website)

To apply, go to our website and download the application. Mail completed application and all required documents to us.


Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Worcester         

91 June St, Worcester, MA 01602

Website: www.ihnworcester.org
Phone: 508.755.2212

The Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Worcester (IHN) works in partnership with the faith community to provide shelter and assistance to families with children who are homeless. The program’s primary goals are to assist families in increasing their income and to help them secure permanent housing while providing the critical support services necessary for them to succeed.  In addition to IHN staff, these support services involve approximately 1000 volunteers that come from the host and support congregations, as well as the community at large.  Our program gives people the opportunity to become involved, to put their beliefs into action by providing hands-on mission work in their own community, and to make a difference in the lives of families who are desperately in need.