Local Assistance Resources: Golden, Colorado
Page Update May 2021
Thrift Store by Arc Thrift Stores
12039 West Alameda Parkway, Lakewood, CO 80228
Website: www.arcthrift.com
Phone: 303.984.0851
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When you shop at Arc Thrift, our team takes pride in providing meticulously chosen, quality merchandise, priced at the very best value. Our stores are bright, clean and attractive. With exciting sales every week, you will find a great deal every time you shop.
They offer:
- Accessories
- Books
- Clothing for men, women and children
- Furniture
- Housewares
- Jewelry
- Linens
- Shoes
- Toys
While the majority of our merchandise is gently used, we also purchase some new products to sell in our stores. This includes high quality, brand new mattresses, boxes and bed frames at a very competitive price. We carry an assortment of new greeting cards along with a large selection of miscellaneous home and personal products ranging from batteries to band-aids and reading glasses to yard art.
Calvary Food Shelf by Calvary Church – Golden
1320 Arapahoe Street, Golden, CO 80401
Website: www.calvarygolden.net
Phone: 720.290.3511
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A team of Calvary members manages the Food Shelf and the weekly donations of food, which is regularly accessed by individuals and families in our community needing this type of assistance. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone that comes to the pantry for food assistance, regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.
Please contact us for food pantry distribution hours.
Home Repairs
Includes financial assistance for home repairs
Rebuilding Together by Rebuilding Together
2839 West 44th Avenue, Denver, CO 80211
Website: www.rebuildingdenver.org
Phone: 720.524.0840
Email: info@rebuildingdenver.org
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Rebuilding Together program transforms the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing their communities.
Roots of Courage (ROC) by Family Tree, Inc.
3805 Marshall Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Website: www.thefamilytree.org
Phone: 303.420.6752
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Family Tree Roots of Courage is a confidential, residential facility for survivors of domestic violence and those with children. When in shelter, we aim to keep survivors safe by providing advocacy, safety planning, community resources, health care, and other supportive services for children and their parents.
- A confidential place to stay
- Access to basic needs
- One-on-one advocacy to address trauma, receive information and community resources
- On-site health care
- Support groups
It is Family Tree’s intent to provide shelter services to all survivors of domestic violence in need and who are in imminent danger from their intimate partners, including all gender identities, the LGBTQIA+ community, and all racial and ethnic backgrounds.
The best way for Family Tree to assist is to have the survivor call our 24-hour domestic violence crisis line to speak directly with an advocate. The advocate will complete a phone assessment with the caller to make sure the shelter services are appropriate for the caller’s needs, and then the advocate will offer safety planning, referrals to other agencies that may be able to best assist, and/or assist with a plan to arrive at Roots of Courage safely.