Local Assistance Resources: Longmont, Colorado

Page Updated May 2021


Colorado Friendship by Colorado FriendShip

1067 S. Hover St., E-116, Longmont, CO 80501

Website: www.coloradofriendship.org
Phone: 303.545.0242
Email: info@coloradofriendship.org

Colorado FriendShip delivers food and clothing to those who need it most -- low-income and poverty-stricken children and families, and the homeless and indigent in Boulder County.


Grocery Services by OUR Center

220 Collyer Street, Longmont, CO 80501

Website: www.ourcenter.org/services
Phone: 303.772.5529

Our Center's grocery services are provided to individuals and families that lack a reliable access to affordable, nutritious food and may experience hunger on a regular basis.


  • Nutritious foods

Home Repair

Includes financial assistance for home repairs

Rebuilding Together program transforms the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing their communities.


HOPE offers nightly shelter as a fully supportive program leading towards successful housing.


  • Temporary shelter

Residents in our shelter receive:

  • Case management
  • Laundry access
  • Meals
  • Showers

Please contact one of our client advocates for more information. If calling after 5 p.m., please call 720.453.6999 instead.