Local Assistance Resources: Phoenix, Arizona

Page Updated May 2021


Food and Clothing Bank by Neighborhood Ministries Inc  

1918 W Van Buren St, Phoenix, AZ 85009

Website: www.nmphx.com
Phone: 602.252.5225
Email: office@nmphx.com


Providing for basic needs is a staple of what Neighborhood Ministries does. We serve anyone who comes to us for food once a month. Patrons must come, complete a short application, present some form of identification and be able to take the food provided with them.

We serve on a first-come first-served basis. Our doors open at 9 AM, we begin serving at 9:30 AM, however, many of our patrons are in line as early as 7 AM. We serve until 11:00 AM or until our fresh food runs out -- whichever comes first.


Food Pantry by St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

2310 North 56th Street Phoenix, AZ 85008

Website: www.ststephens.org
Phone: 602.840.0437
Email: main@ststephens.org

Serves everyone from low-income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor, and anyone else that comes to the pantry.


  • Food to meet basic nutritional needs

Documents required

  • Photo ID

Home Repairs

Includes financial assistance for home repairs 

Rebuild together 

1826 W. Broadway Rd., #16 Mesa, Arizona 85202

Website: www.rtvos.org 
Phone: 480.774.0237 
Email: info@rtvos.org

The Rebuilding Together program transforms the lives of low-income homeowners by improving the safety and health of their homes and revitalizing their communities.


  • Home repairs


Coordinated Entry by Human Services Campus, Inc.

204 South 12th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85007

Website: www.hsc-az.org
Phone: 602.282.0853 

Human Services Campus's The Brian Garcia Welcome Center is the lead access point to Coordinated Entry to create an individualized plan for our clients to prevent homelessness.