Family for Families
2019-2020 Annual Report
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This has been an exciting year for Family for Families! We officially launched September 4th of 2019, rolling out across the US and around the world. Two additional coordinators were added to work directly with our grantees to make our application process more efficient. Additionally, we have continued to enhance our website and simplify our application process, including translation into the key languages for all team members. 2020 has been a year of many uncertainties. With the global COVID-19 crisis all our lives have been profoundly impacted. Due to the generosity of donors from around the world, we have been in a strong position to handle the pandemic and support our team members through the crisis.
Donation Information
Through generous payroll deductions and one-time donations, Family for Families was ready and capable to grant funds to all those who applied within the qualifying events and expenses. These donations truly show team members’ commitment to the stability of their fellow members during tumultuous times.
Every dollar donated to Family for Families is given to team members.
All donations from team members are matched by their respective company! Family for Families is committed to building a supportive environment for our team members during their times of need. When you give to Family for Families, you are directly impacting the well-being of your fellow team members when they need help the most. Please visit familyforfamilies.org to donate or for more information.
Non-COVID-19 Grant Breakdown: Year 1
We were able to assist team members through many different types of financial hardships in this first year. Through the kindness and donations of fellow team members, we were able to approve and fund all grants that fit within our qualifying events and expenses. From mortgage payments to funeral costs to utilities, Family for Families was there to help.
COVID-19 Related Grant Breakdown
COVID-19 has greatly impacted all of our lives. When the pandemic hit, Family for Families paused all general grants to be able to focus on the COVID-19 crisis. We did this to be able to react in a timely manner to the high amount of COVID-19 related grants requests as well as ensure we could assist as many people as possible during this situation. We remain focused on COVID-19 emergency funding, as we anticipate further need for emergency relief throughout our work family.
Who We Are
Family for Families is a nonprofit organization benefitting team members of CoorsTek, Goosecross Cellars, Liberty Woods International, MJB Wood Group, and the Salad Collective. Designed as a way to come alongside one another and help when emergencies strike, we act as an extension of the family in crisis.
Through this Employee Hardship Assistance Fund, Family for Families helps coordinate donations and grant requests to provide financial relief for team members and their families needing assistance worldwide.
Every team member has a unique story, and when we help each other face life’s challenges, we become part of their story, positively impacting the outcome. This strengthens the heart of our work family and creates a supportive community for team members and their families to thrive.
+1 720 616 3648
14143 Denver West Pkwy
Suite 400
Golden, CO 80401 USA